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Audit & Risk Committee

Since the 9 July 2004 float, the Group has operated with an Audit & Risk Committee, whose Terms of Reference cover the points recommended by the Corporate Governance Code.

The present Audit & Risk Committee comprises of Non-Executive Directors, Colin Jones (Committee Chair), Heather Rabbatts and Louise Jackson. The Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Financial Officer and the external auditor will be invited to attend meetings of the Committee on a regular basis and other individuals such as the General Counsel and Company Secretary and any other directors or representatives from the finance function of the Company may be invited to attend where necessary.

Details of the Committee’s remit can be found below in the Terms of Reference and the work it has performed in the year can be found in the latest Annual Report.

Nomination Committee

Formed in 2021, the Nomination Committee comprises of the Non-Executive Chair, Zillah Byng-Thorne (Committee Chair) and Non-Executive Directors, Louise Jackson and Colin Jones. The Chief People Officer, the General Counsel and Company Secretary and any other directors or representatives and external advisers may be invited to attend where necessary.

Details of the Committee’s remit can be found below in the Terms of Reference and the work it has performed in the year will be detailed in the upcoming Annual Report.

Remuneration Committee

Since the 9 July 2004 float, the Group has operated with a Remuneration Committee, whose Terms of Reference cover the points recommended by the Corporate Governance Code.

The present Remuneration Committee comprises of Non-Executive Directors, Louise Jackson (Committee Chair), Colin Jones, Heather Rabbatts, Chris Sweetland and the Non-Executive Chair, Zillah Byng-Thorne. The Chief People Officer, the Chief Financial Officer, the Chief Executive Officer, the General Counsel and Company Secretary and any other directors or representatives and external advisers may be invited to attend where necessary.

Details of the Committee’s remit can be found below in the Terms of Reference and the work it has performed in the year can be found in the latest Annual Report.